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2021 Tubin' The Guadalupe

Camp Milagro

We are happy to announce the Guadalupe River is open to all again, especially outfitters aka/Tube Companies!

Although, as of this writing (April 2021), we have not hit full season yet, some outfitters have yet to officially open their doors. We're giving them a couple more weeks and we imagine things will be like the good ol' days!

If staying at The Cabins at camp Milagro, we have floats you can borrow and suggest plopping in one with a cold beer and enjoy staying put. However, if interested in 'tubing', we recommend, walking across the bridge to Roy's Rentals. By renting tubes from them, they will give you details on timing, then take you up river and you'll be floating right back down to us - couldn't be easier. Approx $20pp (normally includes extra float for cooler) - no need to worry about drinking and driving!

If you're more game and decide you want to 'do it yourself'. You'll still pay approx $5pp to "find" a place up river to park but you'll have to pack the hot, bulky floats, your group and hunt for a place. You can float down to us, but you'll need another vehicle here to go back and get your original vehicle. Hope that makes sense. Give us a holler if you need more details.

Lastly, there are other places along the Guadalupe to float, like the Horseshoe - this has deeper water and a much more 'lively' crowd (can get wild). New Braunfels also has the Comal River that can be floated with outfitters available. Both of these options require driving to and from your desired location - we encourage safety.

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